Logging best practices

Logs are one of the most fundamental tools for debugging and finding issues within your application. Below, I am noting down a few important practices which will help you to have nice and easy to follow log entries

Unique identifier on every log entry

Unlike standard apache/nginx logs, modern applications can produce several log entries on every request. To make reading them and parsing them easy prepend unique identifier (UID) to each log line:

Instead of:

Started GET /login
Authentication successful
Completed 200 OK in 7ms

Logs should look like:

[unique-id] Started GET /login
[unique-id] Authentication successful
[unique-id] Completed 200 OK in 7ms

Log events and tag them

Consider a following log entry:

Started POST /friends/import
Saved 1334 entries
Completed 200 OK in 7ms

We logged a result of a task here - importing friends from facebook. Its useful, but its not easy to find all such entries in log file. Here is how you can improve your log:

[unique-id] Started POST /friends/import
[unique-id][fb-friends-import] Saved 1334 entries
[unique-id] Completed 200 OK in 7ms

Tag fb-friends-import will make searching for all friends imports an easy job.

Timestamp on every log entry

It is important to include timestamp on every log entry as well:

[2015/02/12 19:12:12.1233][unique-id] Started GET /login
[2015/02/12 19:12:12.2233][unique-id] Authentication successful
[2015/02/12 19:12:12.3233][unique-id] Completed 200 OK in 7ms

Timestamps may help with associating a log entry with a customer support request. They may also be useful for log forwarders.

Time metrics on log entries

Sometimes it’s useful to add two time metrics to each log line:

  • Time passed from request start - can be used to check statistics, finding outliers etc.
  • Time passed from last log entry in given request - can be used to perform more sophisticated debugging

Consider such entries:

[unique-id-123][24 ms][1ms] fb import started
[unique-id-123][1240 ms][1000ms][fb-friends-import] Saved 1334 entries

[unique-id-789][14 ms][1ms][fb-friends-import] fb import started
[unique-id-789][24 ms][10ms][fb-friends-import] Saved 130 entries

First timestamp is a time from the beginning of a request. Second timestamp is a time from a previous log message. By looking at above entries we can see that our import algorithm took ~ 10 ms for 130 entries, but ~ 1s (1000ms) for 1334 entries.

Maybe it is O(n2), probably yes, and maybe a few more log entries would help us find out?

Pass Unique Identifier to dependent services - workers etc.

Some systems have a complex topology. Consider worker based systems or a system composed from several microservices. You may want to know the whole trace of a request in your logs. Try to pass UID you generated on an entry point to each subsystem that is used to finish the job. For example, when you have a worker that is used to import facebook friends, your logs would look like this:

[unique-id][web] Started POST /friends/import
[unique-id][web] Enqueued facebook import for user_id=123
[unique-id][web] Completed 202 OK in 2ms
[unique-id][facebook-worker] Starting import for user_id=123
[unique-id][facebook-worker][fb-friends-import] Saved 1334 entries

Above, I ommited timestamps from beginning of a request and from a previous log entry for clarity, but logging this information is even more important on a system where we have serveral components.

Switch from INFO log level to DEBUG on production

Sometimes when your app is failing and you don’t know what is happening it may be useful to have a functionality to switch the log level from INFO to DEBUG for a few minutes. DEBUG level should have much more details, which may be crucial in solving an issue.

Log forwarders and agregators

When you have more than one server, it is important to use log forwarders and agregators. Here are a few services that can do that for you:


Splunk is a great tool for processing logs. It’s my favourite tool when it comes to complex logs analysis.

It has many awesome features:

  • advanced search
  • search based alerts
  • data visualization
  • dashboard

Splunk is not free, but has 60 day free trial, and as they wrote:

When the free trial ends, you can convert to a perpetual Free license

I couldn’t find any more details info on that, though.

If you want to give it a try, check these 2 articles:

Useful resources

Logging best practices

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